36 cm (14”) H x 28 cm (11”) W
Made with gold smalti, smalti and marble
Coral Beach
36 cm (14”) H x 29 cm (11.5) W
Made with marble, smalti, gold smalti and zippers
Man vs Nature
62 cm (24.5”) H x 49.5 cm (19.5”) W
Made with smalti, marble. granite and slate
The Jagged Edge
30.5 cm (12”) H x 30.5 cm (12”) W
Made with smalti, gold smalti, marble and slate
Apart Together
Made with smalti, gold smalti and shale. 32 cm (12.5”) H x 32 cm (12.5”) W
Yellowknife in Summer
Made with Yellowknife stone, marble, smalti and beads
Connected to the Land
Made with marble, smalti, gold smalti and shale. 63.5 cm (25”) H x 48 cm (19”) W
The Isolation Blues
Made with marble and smalti