

If you are interested in purchasing a mosaic, please contact me at valerieabrownell@gmail.com

The Dividing Line

The Cancer Maelstrom

Van Camp Farm

Remembering Australia

Elemental Connections


The Dividing Line, detail

The Dividing Line $2,000 CAD

63.5 cm (25") H x 33 cm (13”) W

Marble,smalti, shale


The Caner Maelstrom, detail

The Cancer Maelstrom $4,000 CAD

63.5 cm (25”) H x 48 cm (19”) W

Marble, smalti, sandstone, granite, mookaite


Van Camp Farm, detail

Van Camp Farm $2,000 CAD

62 cm (24.5”) H x 42 cm (18.5”) W x 5 cm (2”) D

Marble, smalti, shale


Remembering Australia, detail

Remembering Australia $2,500 CAD

62 cm (24.5”) H x 31 cm (24”) W

Marble, smalti, shale, mookaite, brick, sandstone, granite


Elemental Connections, detail

Elemental Connections $2,500 CAD

61 cm (24”) in diameter

Marble, smalti, gold smalti, shale. granite